
Wednesday, 1 May 2024


Electricity is an important source of energy. Suggest ways to save electricity in your homes. Give three reasons why you say so.

Content Points:

1. Switch off electrical appliances when they are not in use.
2. Install energy-efficient electrical appliances.
3. Install solar panels to reduce dependence on Tenaga Nasional electrical supply.


    Electricity is an important source of enegy. Almost all things at home use electricity. We rely so much on electrical supply to run our life so, we should consume electricity wisely. They are several ways in which we can save electrical energy in our homes. The simple practice is to switch off the electrical appliances when we are not using them. We can also buy energy-efficient electrical appliances or install solar panels to generate energy to reduce the use of existing power supply.

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    We should practise energy-saving habits simply by switcing off electrical appliances such as ceiling fans or lights in our homes when we are not using them. It sounds simple but it needs to be inculcatated in every member of the family or it is likely not going to happen. This simple practice may save a lot of energy in the long run. We can also set the temperature of our air-conditioner unit to a higher temperature first before lowering it. This operational procedure could save a lot more energy than you can ever imagine.

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    One should have knowledge on energy-saving appliances by consulting the specification note or manual before deciding to buy them. This could save our monthly and annual budget. Paying electrical bills through the nose is not a pleasant experience. Having a few energy-efficient appliances in our homes can save our wallets. Household appliances like washing machines, microwave ovens and irons do consume a lot of energy so, we should try to buy low power consumption appliances like the 'inverter' technology air-conditioners.

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    Apart from that, we can install solar panels to supply additional power to our homes. Meaning, we do not have to rely totally on the existing home power supply. Although this will mean we have to bear the high installation cost but at the end of the month, we could enjoy extra money for other expenses. In the long run, we can swell up our money chest for vacations or buying our dream car or even a new house! This long-term planning may work but be careful, we may end up installing low quality solar panels which are not durable.


    In conclusion, power-saving practices do provide a lot benefits to our livelihood. Based on the arguments above, we can practise the three ways of saving electricity to optimize our household budgets and live comfortably within our means.

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