The answer is False.
68% of the students failed to answer Question 1
Students missed the word ‘Why’ in the rubric. Referring to
paragraph 1 below, the paragraph does not tell why Malaysians remain brand
Question 5
The answer is False.
The answer is cautious.
Question 15
72% of the students failed to answer question 15
Paragraph 3 tells that he is very skilful at using the teleprompter but there is a little flaw (weakness).
Question 18
The answer is B, skilfully.
72% of the students failed to answer this question
The answer needs knowledge in vocabulary. It is quite hard for the students to guess the meaning since the probable meanings are quite multiple.
Question 25
The answer is B, highlight the role of extended apprenticeship in the mastery of adult skills.
80% of the students failed to answer this question
In Paragraph 3, Lines 29 and 30 state that... their long apprenticeship (extended apprenticeship) had given them abilities for efficient action, planning, control and inhibition (the skills stated are those of adult's...Paragraph 1, lines 14 and 15).
Question 26
The answer is C ; the writer's intention is to argue that schooling makes people smarter
60% of the students failed to answer this question.
The answer is C; there can never be a balance between the benefits of learning and mastery of skills.
60% of the students failed to answer this question.
Question 5
84% of the students failed to answer Question 5
Paragraph 8, Line 27 shows cosmetics recorded the lowest percentage (28%) but lines 27 and 28 says (Expenditure for staple food items, on the other hand has stayed consistent). This shows that staple food items are the least affected items.
Question 14
The answer is cautious.
68% of the students failed to answer Question 14
Paragraph 8 states that...more work was needed to show a direct relationship between ageing and physical activity. So, it shows that he is very cautious about the matter.
Question 15
The answer is B ...Obama uses it well but he could still improve.
72% of the students failed to answer question 15
Paragraph 3 tells that he is very skilful at using the teleprompter but there is a little flaw (weakness).
Question 18
The answer is B, skilfully.
72% of the students failed to answer this question
The answer needs knowledge in vocabulary. It is quite hard for the students to guess the meaning since the probable meanings are quite multiple.
Question 25
The answer is B, highlight the role of extended apprenticeship in the mastery of adult skills.
80% of the students failed to answer this question
In Paragraph 3, Lines 29 and 30 state that... their long apprenticeship (extended apprenticeship) had given them abilities for efficient action, planning, control and inhibition (the skills stated are those of adult's...Paragraph 1, lines 14 and 15).
Question 26
The answer is B; school has extended the period of childhood.
76% of the students failed to answer this question.
Most of the sentences (underlined in red) in Paragraph 4 state that school has extended the period of childhood (infantile).
Question 27
The answer is C ; the writer's intention is to argue that schooling makes people smarter
60% of the students failed to answer this question.
The sentences underlined in red support that schooling makes people smarter.
Question 28
60% of the students failed to answer this question.
The sentences underlined in red show that the balance between schooling and apprenticeship can never be achieved.
Question 29
The answer is A ; a dilemma
60% of the students failed to answer this question
Paragraph 6 ends with two questions which show expression of uncertainty or dilemma.
Question 30
The answer is B; the type of fish is more important than the weight
76% of the students failed to answer this question.
Daniel Pauly has cleared the misconception (about the meaning of amount of catch). He continues to explain this by quoting examples in lines 9, 10 and 11.
Question 31
The answer is D; measured the microscopic organisms required to make a pound of a type of fish.
72% of the students failed to answer this question.
Paragraph 2 Lines 18 to 23 show that the microscopic organisms consumed by fish will give the accurate amount of total catch.
Question 34
The answer is D; introduce the idea that fish stocks may not be as over-exploited.
68% of the students failed to answer the question.
The underlined sentences in red show that Ray Hilborn disagrees with Daniel and claims that the world's fish stock is not over-exploited as he has claimed.
Question 35
The answer is D; farmed fish are fed with by-products of smaller fish.
72% of the students failed to answer this question.
The sentences underlined show that there is a problem in aquaculture as the feeding comes from smaller fish which results in a serious impact on the volume of prey fish.
Question 37
The answer is C; eat many varieties of farmed fish.
62% of the students failed to answer this question
Seafood print advises consumers to eat SOME; not many varieties of farmed fish
Question 38
The answer is D ; students were interviewed concerning their attitude towards online and offline friends
68% of the students failed to answer this question.
The respondents were not interviewed, they sat for personality tests
Question 40
The answer is C ; is not different from that of the 1970s.
84% of the students failed to answer this question.
Lines 21, 22 and 23 in Paragraph 3 show that Jeroen Boschma agrees with the study conducted by University of Western Ontario that found out that Generation Whatever looks very similar to youth from the mid-1970s.
In lines 28, Joroen declares that he believes as much.
Q. 41
The answer is B; know how to access information.
68% of the students failed to answer this question.
Lines 28 to 32 in Paragraph 4 explain that today's youth know how to access information.
Question 42
The answer is D; through technology, today's youth have been actively engaged in helping others.
68% of the students failed to answer the question.
Lines 38 to 40 and 44 show that technology has become a medium for youths to help others in need globally.
Question 43
The answer is B, I and IV; We demonstrate a different kind of intelligence and We are worse-off in social skills.
60% of the students failed to answer the question.
Lines 45 and 46 state that the human population has demonstrated a different kind of intelligence.
Lines 57, 58 and 59 we are worse-off in social skills.
Question 44
The answer is C; We become insensitive to human suffering.
68% of the students failed to answer this question.
Lines 60 states that changes come with some adverse effects.
Lines 63 and 64 support the statement above which explains human insensitivity.
1 comment:
Sir, did you have all of the past year speaking test? Especially from 2017. I just couldn't find any ;))
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