
Friday, 19 September 2014

Starting to Write an Essay

How to write topic sentences

Techniques for Writing: Writing Topic Sentences for Paragraphs

A paragraph is a sequence of sentences that cooperate in supporting one main point. Sometimes that point is so obvious that it doesn't need to be stated, but often a paragraph begins with a topic sentence that states the main point directly. Before you can write a topic sentence, you must decide what you want to say and what you don't want to say in your paragraph. In other words, you must first explore your starting topic and then select your limited topic. The next step is to make a statement about the limited topic. Keep these points in mind:
A starting topic is usually broad, stimulating many ideas.
A limited topic is narrow, connecting a few selected ideas.
A topic sentence makes a statement about the limited topic.
For example, study this progression:

Starting topic: Football
Limited topic: The role that football has played in my education
Topic sentence: If it hadn't been for football, I might never have taken school seriously.
Note: A topic sentence is always a complete sentence expressing an idea about the limited topic. It is not a title (What football means to me), or an explanation of the writer's plan (I am going to tell you about the role football played in my education.) The more clearly it focuses the reader's attention on the points covered by the paragraph that the writer wants to make, the better.

Exercise A: For each limited topic below, select the two items that could serve as topic sentences.

Limited topic: how to train a cat.

1. This paragraph is about how to train a cat.
2. Before a cat learns anything, it first teaches its owner a lesson in humility.
3. Everything you wouldn't have thought to ask about training a cat.
4. Training a cat takes physical stamina.
5. Animal training is a complicated subject.

    Possible topic sentences are #2 and #4. (#1 merely announces the writer's plan, #3 is a title and not a complete sentence, and #5 is too general.)

Limited topic: changes in patients as they settle into convalescent homes

1. Americans are learning how to grow old gracefully.
2. The outside world seems to shrink when seen through the window of a
   convalescent home.
3. Closing up a home and moving to a small room can make even an extrovert turn
4. It is important to look at the changes in patients' attitudes as they settle
   into convalescent homes.
5. The increasing delight in daily conversation as patients become accustomed to
   life in a convalescent home.

    Possible topic sentences are #2 & #3. (#1 is too general, not mentioning convalescent home, #4 relies too heavily on the vague word, "important," and #5 is not a complete sentence.)

Limited topic: scuba diving

1. The excitement of scuba diving.
2. My childhood fascination with scuba diving.
3. It is very interesting to experience scuba diving.
4. The sport of scuba diving has always excited me.
5. Since I was a child, I've been fascinated by scuba diving.

    Possible topic sentences are #4 and #5. (#1 and #2 are not complete sentences and #3 relies on the vague word "interesting.")

Exercise B: Below are three sets of notes for developing the topic, the role football played in my education. For each one, select which topic sentence will fit the completed paragraph. Choose a, b, or c from the list above.

1.concentration to learn plays
  discipline to follow through
  flexibility when plan fails
  college classes painful at first
  college pressure like my JV year in HS

2.distractions from high school—social life, job, being cool
  best friends dropped out
  team solidarity, support, tutoring
  State Championship goal, whole school cared
  coach insisted on better than C average's weird warm-up exercises
  visualizing ways to overcome hardship
  insistence on accuracy
  team meditations
  application of problem-solving tricks in daily life

1. b     2. c     3. a

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