
Sunday 3 August 2014

Answering Paper 4,Question1( Describing Trends)

Introduction to Writing a Graph Description

Writing about Graphs: Overview

Before you Begin

Underline key words. Write related words – turn nouns into verbs, verbs into nouns, adjectives into adverbs, etc. Write opposite words, similar words, synonyms, etc.

Circle and highlight the graph. Use arrows. Make notes. Circle the biggest, the smallest. stable or unchanging parts, sudden increases, etc.

Identify trends. A trend is the overall idea of the graph

* what is happening/what happened
* the main change over time
* the most noticeable thing about the graph
* the pattern over time
* the pattern for different places or groups or people.

Most IELTS graphs will have two trends, or there will be two graphs with a trend in each. You could write about the two trends in two separate paragraphs. Make sure you have identified the trends in the graph. If you don’t, you can’t get IELTS Band 6.

While you Write: Layout
         *First sentence: Describe the graph. You can use some slightly different words or word forms from those on the question paper, but be careful to give the full information. Start “The graph shows“
·      *Second sentence: This gives the trend or trends. You can put two trends in this sentence or only one – you could keep the other one for the conclusion. Start “Overall, …”

Paragraph 1: Trend 1
·         *Start with a sentence with no number. “City size increased sharply over the period.” “The most obvious trend in the graph is that women are having fewer babies.” “Oil production has increased slightly in all the countries in the graph”
·         *Follow this sentence with an example (sentence with number) and perhaps another example (another sentence with number). Keep alternating.

Paragraph 2: Trend 2

·         *Start with a sentence with no number. “City size increased sharply over the period.”
·         *Give an example (sentence with number) and perhaps another example (Sentence with number)


·         * Finish by repeating the main trends, or identify a second trend. Use different vocabulary.
·          * Don’t have any numbers in the conclusion (you could use words like “most”, “the majority”
    ,“a minority”, “a small number”).
·          *Don’t give an opinion.

While You Write: Some Don’ts
·         *Don’t describe the X and Y axis. Give the information.
·         *Don’t write about everything on the graph. Pick the biggest, the smallest, the main points, the main trends. Group similar things together
·         *Don’t write about the line or the bar: “The line went up,” “The bar went down.” Instead, write about the idea. “The number of people going to work by train increased gradually.” “Oil production shot up in 1965”
·         *Make sure you write about the idea. Don’t use shorthand: “Men went up.” “Women went down.” Instead, write about the real data: “The number of men at university fell dramatically,” “The percentage of female students getting a degree rose suddenly.”
·         *Don’t use “I feel”, “as I have written,” “as you can see,” etc. Keep it academic. In IELTS, you can give your opinions in Task 2. In Task 1 (writing about a graph or visual data) you just report what you see.
·         *Don’t start sentences with But, So, Also, And, For, Since, Because, Although

·         *Do you really need four paragraphs in IELTS Task 1? No! (You definitely need them for Task 2). But it’s good to think about four paragraphs. It will help you to organize your writing. So go ahead and write four paragraphs, or at least three (intro, body, conclusion).

Word Length and Sentence Length
Make sure you have 150 words. You should have some short sentences (about 6-10 words) and some long ones (12-18) words, but your average should be about 12 or 13 words per sentence.

A sentence without a number will usually be short. Use a mix – a sentence without a number followed by a sentence or two with a number.


Unknown said...

Such a good information for me.tq

Unknown said...

useful information

fafawaniz said...

useful post

Unknown said...

thank you for this information :)

imma.jack said...

Assalamualaikum sir. Thanks for your guide. I am in my way to carry on this assignment. By the way sir, I would like to propose some suggestions to improve our muetirshadway's blog.

Firstly, why not you add a 'live traffic feeds' for your blog instead of using the 'world clock' ? Live Traffic Feed a.k.a 'feedjits' is an application for blogger that can help them to detect who and from where their readers come from. I do have a feedjits's account for my own blog. From this advance application, I noticed that I have many blogger friends from many country such as Carlifonia, Australia and so on. Even they just act as the silent readers, I satisfied and glad to say that I had successfully published my so-so blog world wide. :)

Not only that my honourable Sir, this application is also helps us to detect if there's someone with bad intention to us. Once, there is a girl who jealous with my blog and she comment my status in bad manner. She use her nickname and I Sign in my feedjits to find out who actually she is. :) Alhamdulillah, I've know all about her only less that 3 seconds. Yes sir, 'feedjits' is like an application with minor hacking style that only the owner of blog know the ways to go damp their blog's reader profile.

imma.jack said...

Another transformation idea that I want to share with you is... 'Comment Application. I think that a Cbox would suite your blog's taste. I guess you already know the difference between Comment Application and Comment box. To short cut, CA is for people to state comment/criticize about our blog in general.
CB is for people to comment something about what we post in our blog, usually CB is located below our blos's status (the place where I comment this is CB :D )

yes sir, this two application (Feedjits and Cbox) is very useful for a blogger. Readers can comment or leave their footstep or maybe we can exchange link with reader for free at the comments' space.

imma.jack said...

Sir, can you understand what I am trying to say? my english proficiency is still low :)

Unknown said...

That's good Nabila....I agree with your suggestion....... :)

Unknown said...

I'll get you to help me improve the blog

imma.jack said...

thank you hasif.
In syaa Allah, sure. I'll do my best.

Unknown said...

Thanks sir for teaching us .

Unknown said...

greAT info

Unknown said...

its a good way to improve my writing..thanks for this sir..