
Monday 26 August 2024

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Writing for Task 1 and 2

AI in classrooms in China
China has really made use of AI to facilitate learning and classroom management...where are we?

China has its own internet access system?

7 August 2024
Writing a reply to an e-mail and an essay on expressing an opinion

Monday 8 July 2024

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Tuesday 25 June 2024


Listening Comprehension Part 3 (27 June 2024)

How do you go about dealing with Listening Comprehension?

Follow these steps:

a) As soon as you receive the question paper, read through the questions the moment you are allowed to do so.

b) Look for the keywords and underline them. This will lead you to focus on the audio tracks to get the answers as soon as the tracks are played.

c) Always look at the questions (especially the keywords) while listening or you will miss the answers.
*Note that the conversation or dialoge is not arranged according to the order of the questions. So, pay attention to the audio tracks every second. Make sure your eyes and ears are all alerted or focussed to 'catch' the keywords. The words used in the question paper and the audio tracks may not be the same. So, again, watch out!

Listen to the audio tracks and follow the instructions:

Tuesday 18 June 2024

MUET Paper 4 Writing Task 2

Writing Task 2 (20 June 2024)

The simple mechanism in essay writing is to state, elaborate and give examples. All points should be elaborated in organised manner. The best way to write is to:

1. In the first paragraph,

a) write the background of the subject matter
b) State three or four main points 

2. In the 2nd paragraph,

a) State main point 1
b) Elaborate main point 1
c) Further elaborate main point 1(there can be one or two more elaborations)
d) Quote examples to support main point 1(more than one example is encouraged)

3. In the 3rd paragraph,

a) State main point 2
b) Elaborate main point 2
c) Further elaborate main point 2
d) Quote examples to support main point 2

4. In the 4th paragraph,

a) State main point 3
b) Elaborate main point 3
c) Further elaborate main point 3
d) Quote examples to support main point 3

* There can be more than 3 main points but well-elaborated three main points with clear examples are good enough.

Sample Question

Task 2
You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this task.

You have been facing some stress and have decided to seek some help. The following advice was given by a

“You must help yourself first before you can help others.”

Write an essay expressing your opinion of the statement. Write at least 250 words.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Writing for MUET Paper 4 Part 1

Writing Session Part 1 (13 June 2024) 

Sample Question Task 1

Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the task.

How? Examine the email (stimulus) and pinpoint the following:

a. Recognize the keyword(s) in the question or instruction.
b. Who is the sender of the email?
c. Who is the intended recipient of the email?
d. What is the primary subject matter of the email?


Formal or casual language?

Once you’ve identified points a, b, c, and d, you’ll determine the appropriate tone and structure for your response. Formal language is typically employed in professional settings, such as by managers, bankers, CEOs, etc., whereas informal language is more common among friends, family members, or even individuals posing as friends (watch out for those scammers!)

In essence, the keywords and language style in the stimulus will indicate the register students should adopt when composing their email replies.


STOP RIGHT THERE! Need to know how to reply a letter for MUET question? Click


Ok. Moving ON!!!!!!…

This is the example of the email question.

Your colleague, Rita, was absent from work because she had to attend her sister’s wedding. Read the email from her asking about the Innovative Writing Convention that she missed.

Using all the notes given, write a reply of at least 100 words in an appropriate style.

Step 2: Incorporate all the notes, keywords, and details from the email into your response.

Now, carefully review the instructions and the email to identify the specific notes and keywords to utilize when drafting your email reply. Highlight or underline them as you read through each paragraph.

Your colleague, Rita, was absent from work because she had to attend her sister’s wedding. Read the email from her asking about the Innovative Writing Convention that she missed.   


What is our next course of action?

Perhaps this will aid in clarifying the writing process.

    • After identifying the notes or key ideas ,observe the possible response (refer no 1, 2, 3 & 4).

“Using all the notes given, write a reply of at least 100 words in an appropriate style.”

 Based on the information above, here’s what you should consider: –

  • Begin your email with a proper salutation, such as “Hi John” or “Hello buddy.”
  • Start by identifying the key points or “notes” within the instructions and each paragraph. You might underline these for clarity.
  • Once you’ve highlighted the notes, craft a response for each paragraph, ensuring that you address the specific points mentioned. It’s crucial to include relevant keywords from the instructions and elaborate on them in your response.
  • When composing your replies, make sure to “AGREE” with any questions posed. For instance, (point no 2) if asked, “Did you join…?” your response should affirmatively state “Yes” before providing further details. Similarly, for point no 3 “Was it interesting?” respond positively and expand upon your answer.
  • Given the email format, you have the flexibility to use an informal or casual language style in your responses.

STEP 3: Write the response

As always, when we are set to write the response, we should write in paragraphs. We could refer to the each of the notes above to write each of the paragraphs.


Sample responses

Note 1 (for paragraph 1)

The convention was indeed a great one! A lot of audience were there and they loved it.


Note 2 (for paragraph 2)

Yes it was interesting even though  I was expecting rather new ideas from the presenter. Nonetheless, a few participants were chosen to give a highlight on the topic for a particular session and it was amazing to see the outcome. Our officemate, Mr Zooki, was in the limelight at that time. He even mentioned some quotes in British accent which to me is rather funny since he is the serious type in the office.


Note 3 (for paragraph 3)

Well, it was interesting and, actually one of the main ideas in the writing activities as well. I would say, we had different perspective about property investment though it was not part of the main purpose of this convention. But, surprisingly, his ideas on how to use other people’s money and increase your asset is worth to try for people like us.


Note 4 (for paragraph 4)

Yes, I would love to. Let me check my schedules first because I have tonnes of paperwork nearing to that occasion. I need to re-organize the workload and I will let you know as soon as possible.


So, the email would look like this.


Alright, that’s all for now. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • When responding to inquiries about a previous event, ensure your reply includes precise details such as the venue, date, organizer, and other relevant information mentioned in the email.
  • If you need to describe the event, employ appropriate adjectives and sensory details. Consider what you heard, saw, or felt during the event to enhance your description.
  • Use suitable expressions to convey various purposes, such as expressing preferences, reactions, disagreements, or declining requests.
  • Aim to provide detailed information by elaborating on your main points. This “advance mode” of communication can offer a more comprehensive understanding of your response.

Sunday 2 June 2024


MUET Paper 2
What is MUET Speaking Test?
(6 June 2024)
Watch the videos below to get the idea of what MUET Speaking is all about

Sample Questions for MUET Speaking

In this session, students are taught how to: 

a) manage the 2-minute time given to brainstorm ideas on a piece of paper or on the question paper itself.

-just generate two or three ideas to elaborate


You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about the importance of what and when people eat.

i) healthy food
ii) the mealtime like breakfast and lunch

b) initiate speaking as Candidate A, or B and so on.
 - the simple trick is by repeating the stem of the question and  the task specifically given to each candidate.


 It is important to be healthy. Suggest some ways to keep healthy.


You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about the importance of what and when people eat.

" Good morning honourable examiners and wise fellow candidates" (greeting/salutation)

" It is important to stay healthy. So, I am going to talk about the importance of what we eat and when to eat."

c) Elaborate on the points/ideas (P) generated and quote some examples (E) to support the ideas.


i) healthy food
ii) the mealtime like breakfast and lunch

" It is very important for us to eat healthy food or another word, balanced diet" (P1) like protein and vitamins (E1)

" To stay healthy, we should not take too much fat (P2) like butter and cheese (E2) because these foods are high in cholesterol.

Tuesday 21 May 2024


Reading and Understanding Paragraphs, Notices,Advertisements

First, look at the instruction, a word or a few words will tell you what is it all about. In this instruction, it is quite clear that the words advertisements, healthy foods are the key words.
And now, look at the questions:

Q.1 shows no supplies are available for orders RM10 and below
    - the underlined words are the keywords, so these words will lead
      you to choose the advertisement which involves price which is more than RM10. 
So, B seems to qualify the fact; which is, minimum order of only RM25. 

Q.2 offers food which are free of additives or other artificial substances.
- the underlined keywords will guide you to choose C which contains the words, certified organic and Non-GMO

Q.3 helps the overweight to lose their weight.
- the underline keywords seem to agree with A which contains the words sports nutrition and weight loss.

Q.4 cherishes a day for the customers every month.
- the underlined keywords will lead you to choose A, which says last Friday of each month is Customer's Appreciation Day, with 15% off

The words in the instruction show that the passage is an email from the director of the Global Student Exchange Programme

Q.5 Be an exchange student in the question stem according to paragraph 1, lines 2 and 3 means develop your  knowledge and understanding of different cultures seem to agree with answer C, which says to learn about new cultures

Q.6 The keyword in the stem of the question is goal. Paragraph 2, line 6, enjoy foreign culture and tradition, this will lead you to choose C, which contains...knowledge of foreign cultures

Q.7 The keywords in the stem of the question are the benefits of the programme and not true. The response in answer A is true, so it will be eliminated. The response in B is false/not true, that is the quality of communication skills will deteriorate because Paragraph 3, lines 7 and 8 states that...helps to develop your communication skills. So, we will choose B as the answer.

Q.8 The keywords in the stem of the question are ...qualifications/documents, required, participate, this programme. Lines 3 and 4 in Paragraph 4 states...obtain strong grades and engage actively in co-curricular activities. So, response C qualifies/contains all stated above.

Q.9 The keywords in the question are university/university staff help poor students, participate, this programme. Lines 3 and 4 in Paragraph 5 contain the keywords financial difficulties, sholarships, apply for. Both responses B and C contain the listed words but the word approve in B is false in the statement. So, C is the best answer as it contains the word suggest.

Q. 10 The keywords in the stem of the question are dyslexia, difficult to diagnose. In Paragraph 1, lines 1 and 2 contain the words Dyslexia, diagnosis is difficult. So, response B contains the required words, that is...difficult to recognise a dyslexic person.

Q. 11 The keywords in the question are physiological factor,  explains dyslexic's learning disability. Line 2 in Paragraph 2 contains the words...different organization of cells within the brain. Line 3 contains the words learning disability.  So, response B contains the words brain cells organised differently which qualifies it to be the accurate answer.

Q. 12 The keyword is This (line 13) refers to...
Using this cue, we have to find the sentence before the word This in line 13. Going backward, we found the words...unable to connect sounds and symbols. Only response C gives us the equivalence.