
Thursday 6 October 2016


Don't You Think that We Should Present Our Data More Conveniently?

By Mohd Rosli bin Saidin

I have the records in files and everything but you have to visit my school to check them”, said a Senior Assistant of a school.
“I need the records to assess your department’s progress” replied the School Inspectorate (SI).
“Oh! But I have some of the files in my phone. We can browse it together, “
“It’ll be quite inconvenient for both of us to browse on such a small screen and I need some privacy,” uttered the inspectorate.
“I’ll send all the files to you via email then,” offered the Senior Assistant (SA)
Then, the SI started to open the email sent to him. Well, it will take quite some time for him to open one file after another. There it went. Then, he sent it to the Director in The Headquarters. The same process happened but it was alright with people who are used to conventional kind of e-document.
Each file will look like this:

 Another may look like this:

What if one wants to view both at the same time?


It looks a bit crowded, don’t you think so?



The one above is more practical
All the problems could be solved if only the Senior Assistant is industrious enough to set up a place in the web to post all his report that could be viewed by anyone at any time, anywhere through a link sent via any internet gadget like the one below:
the link above will bring anyone in particular to the exact page needed. Simple! No typing, no hassle, no waiting and can be copied! Exploitation of materials is also applicable.

The setting could cater to a myriad of particulars; visit counts, language conversion, links, categories, chronology, gadgets and posts. A lot of things could be arranged in just one interface!
I have been spreading words among fellow teachers about setting up a blog—owning their very own material hub. Some listen while others are not ready to accept the idea. New ideas are not readily accepted unless there is some urgency for it. I have chosen to set up a blog to assist my teaching. Besides, I am also creating freedom in providing special service in the class. Educational field is not stagnant; it is changing—one refuse to change, he will be run over by the impact of the change.

Most educators will carry out the guidelines laid down by the Ministry of Education very precisely—a few would try to interpret it and yield some innovations based on them. It is timely that we should move forward and act professionally. We are professional in teaching and we should outwit some advice from non-teaching professionals who try to lead us and leave them looking at us in awe.

Teachers are trained from teaching institutions so they should know every aspect of the business. The problem is when the teaching business is performed professionally, there is likely to be intervention from people who either want to show that they know more or introduce something new for the view of making profit. This happens because teachers behave more like users rather than inventors.
Let teachers commit to their own field. Someone should inspire them to be critically and creatively committed. Educators should be more focussed and objective in the field. The teaching world should reflect research and development of materials from the teaching community itself.